2022/08/24 02:39
2005年の大学生の頃、名前も知らなかったガリ版(謄写版・とうしゃばん の愛称)を思いがけず始めることになりました。
このサイトを通じて、さまざまな場所で暮らす みなさまへ作品や雑貨etc.をお届けできることを、とても楽しみにしています。
Hello everyone. Nice to meet you. My name is Natsuko Mizuguchi.
When I was a college student in 2005, I unexpectedly started using a mimeograph machine, which is also known as a "Galiban" or "Toshaban". I didn't even know the name of it at the time. I was studying design at an art university, and since I was a child, I liked drawing, so I was attracted to old print posters and analog media. When I first encountered the mimeograph machine, I had no idea what I could do with it, but I remember being very happy. However, mastering the mimeograph technique and expression was very difficult for me, and it took me many years. Nevertheless, this journey brought about various relationships, experiences, and encounters with fellow "Galiban Travelers". (If I were to explain everything, it would be like writing a thick book, so I will omit it for now.) Through this site, I am very much looking forward to sharing my works and miscellaneous goods with everyone who lives in various places.